Thursday 16 August 2012

Jadi Orang Menang

Jadi orang menang ataupun 'Be a winner'. 

Mudah frasa katanya, tapi besar maknanya andai kita benar-benar faham. 'Winner' bukan diukur dengan nombor berapa yang kita perolehi dalam peperiksaan akhir tahun, bukan juga dengan berapa banyak angka gaji bulanan kita, tetapi 'Winner' sebenar adalah mereka yang tidak pernah mengalah dalam menghadapi cabaran dan ranjau hidup.

Biar tersungkur jatuh, disepak terajang ranjau kehidupan yang tidak memilih bulu, sama ada kita muslim yang baik atau sebaliknya. Putus asa itu tidak pernah wujud dalam diari hidup seorang 'Winner'. 

"Ya Allah, apa dosa aku sampai aku diuji sebegini?"
"Ya Allah, aku dah bosan hidup sebegini"

Ini bukan kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut seorang 'Winner'. Seorang 'Winner' sentiasa percaya kepada kuasa memilih yang diberikan oleh Maha Pencipta. Ya. Kita sebenarnya mampu memilih dalam hidup ini. Memilih untuk jadi baik, memilih untuk membuat perkara baik. Semuanya terletak dalam tangan kita.

Allah berfirman dalam Surah Syams :
Kemudian Allah mengilhamkan kepadanya jalan yang kejahatan dan jalan taqwanya [9]
Sesungguhnya amat beruntunglah orang yang membersihkannya [10]
Dan sesungguhnya amat rugilah orang yang mencemarkannya [11]

Mari sama-sama kita jadi orang yang menang. 
Islam agama yang telah lama menang.
Umatnya bila lagi?

Saiful Mukmin

Monday 13 August 2012

One Big Family

Seriously, i don't really know what to write. Such awkward feeling actually typing these word when you haven't been writing for almost 8 months now. Huhu. How times fly. I still remember the peace feeling sitting at the right side of the Darul Quran Mosque having to tasmi' to my precious Ustaz everyday. The feeling of standing in the middle of the mosque or standing on the chair of the mimbar, those are gold memories and i do believe those events did greatly affect my personality.

                                                              I've learnt a lot here.. :)

But, that was only memories. No matter how sweet it is, time will do its course job, forcing us to move on with our life. As we all know, there are still a lot of interesting things out there. You just have to be positive and give all your heart to whatever you are doing and moreover, what is  more important is that you will always embrace the title of a muslim insyaallah.

I remember a quote in Lilo and Stich the movie, " Family means ohana, and ohana means nobody gets left behind ". Family are those who always stand beside you no matter what conditions you are in, holding you, supporting you whenever you've been hit by life. Yes. That is family. They are very important in human's life.

But still, you all must be wandering, what is my point? Everybody knows that family is important. The sad thing is that most of the muslim nowadays always misdefine what family meant. Wake up guys! We are so different from the others. Our definition about family is so not the same. Our family is so big, and one most important thing to know is that we are not related by blood, we are related with a tie much sacred which is the simple words of "Laillahaillah Muhammadur Rasulullah". They are all families.

Our brothers in Palestin

European Muslim

Our sisters...

My Heart..

                                                                          My usrah!!

Kelas tasmi' kat DQ

                                                                  My new family :)

Lastly my friends, change your paradigm, redefine again what is family cause like it or not, we are FAMILY. So please guys, act and treat them as one.

Saiful Mukmin

We are family..:)